
Download eudora 8
Download eudora 8

When checked, Eudora will send mail immediately instead of queueing it. Only check it if your Macintosh is in a secure location. When checked, Eudora will remember your password from one session to the next. When checked, Eudora will attach your signature to messages you create. When checked, Eudora will use sound to get your attention. When checked, Eudora will use an alert dialog to get your attention. When checked, Eudora will keep a copy of all mail you send.

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When checked, Eudora will not immediately delete mail from the POP server. These options control how Eudora unwraps text.©©To turn OFF specific paragraph indicators, add: 1-internal space runs 2-large indent 4-indent change 8-quote change 16-short line 32-blank line. When checked, quitting Eudora will empty Eudora's trash. When checked, Eudora will dismiss alert dialogs after two minutes. When checked, windows will be zoomed to full size when first opened. When checked, Eudora will send queued mail whenever it checks mail. Last time (in seconds) Eudora scanned your maildrop to see if it should do deletions. Name of the application that the Finder will use to open text files that Eudora saves. Four-character creator code for the application that the Finder will use to open text files that Eudora saves. When checked, Eudora will try to guess where paragraphs are when you do a Save As., and will remove returns that don't end paragraphs. When checked, Eudora will tell your Internet dialup software to disconnect after mail is transferred. When checked, Eudora will word-wrap outgoing messages. How often (in minutes) Eudora will check for mail. If you fill this in, be SURE you put in a working address.

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If you NEED to specify a specific port (ask your mail server admin) append name with a colon & port number. Enter your login name and the name of your POP server, with an between them. Type the size of the font to use in windows. Use this menu to set the font to use in windows.

Download eudora 8